
ESC2019: Canção da ARJ Macedónia será revelada a 4 de março

"Proud", canção que Tamara Todevska defenderá no Festival Eurovisão de 2019, será revelada a 4 de março.

Apesar de ter manifestado vontade de revelar a canção durante o mês de fevereiro, a cantora Tamara Todevksa revelou, através das redes sociais, que "Proud", tema que defenderá no Festival Eurovisão 2019, será revelado a 4 de março. Até à data de revelação, a cantora trabalhará no arranjo final da canção, bem como na gravação do videoclip oficial da candidatura.

Hello, When one month ago, I got the invitation to represent my country at the Eurovision Song Content in Tel Aviv, (aside from my enthusiastic and happy YES 😁), the first thing that popped up in my mind was, what will be the purpose of my participation at the contest? What is it that I want to say? What is it that I want to share with the world? You see, for me, Eurovision has never been about entering the finals, being in the top 10 or even winning. Eurovision, to me, has always been so much more than that! Eurovision is about accepting the different, defying the norms and being proud of who you are, just the way you are. Eurovision is that one night in the year when the entire continent comes together to celebrate boldness, bravery and individuality! It is the place where being different means being PROUD. I am a mother of two: a three-year-old girl and a three-month-old boy. I know it sounds like a cliché, but they truly changed my life and I feel, both, as a mother and as a parent, that it is my responsibility and OUR responsibility to bring positive change to our children's lives. My whole life I have been told that I wasn’t girly enough, good enough, that I walked and acted like a man. Lower your head, put something sexy on, no one cares what you really think, they would say. You see, in their minds, I was just another lost girl. Today, as I look at my daughter, I want her to grow up in a world where people will not judge her, tell her how to act, smile and move. I want her to know that she doesn’t have to follow the rules to be accepted. I want her to be whoever she wants to be and most importantly, be proud of who she is. That’s the least I can do for her. I am proud to say that on the 16th of May I will dedicate my song to my daughter and sing for everyone out there who has been told to always lower their heads and follow strict rules. On May 16th, we will break the rules and at least for one night in the year, we will show the world that I AM PROUD is always stronger than their YOU WILL NEVER BE GOOD ENOUGH! You will ALWAYS be good enough! See you in Tel Aviv! ❤ Tamara #proud #teamtamara #eurovision2019 #daretodream
Uma publicação partilhada por Tamara Todevska (@tamaratodevska) a

Esta será a quarta participação de Tamara Todevska no palco do Festival Eurovisão. Em 2004, a cantora integrou os backing singers de Tose Proeski, repetindo o papel em 2014 na participação da sua irmã Tijana em Copenhaga. Por outro lado, em 2008, ao lado de Vrcak e Adrijan, a cantora representou o país com "Let me love you" em Belgrado. A candidatura ficou em 10.º lugar na semifinal 2 do Festival Eurovisão, tendo falhado o apuramento com o painel de jurados a eleger a Suécia, 12.ª classificada, como a 10.ª finalista da gala.

A ARJ da Macedónia participa no Festival da Eurovisão desde 1998, tendo participado por 18 ocasiões no certame europeu. O melhor resultado obtido pelo país remota a 2006, quando Elena Risteska e Ninanajna conquistaram a 12.ª posição em Atenas, sendo que desde a implementação das duas semifinais, o país apenas conseguiu o apuramento em 2012. Em Lisboa, o grupo Eye Cue levou "Lost and Found" ao palco eurovisivo, terminando em 18.º lugar na semifinal 1 com 24 pontos.

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Fonte: Escxtra / Imagem/Vídeo:
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  1. Anónimo20:37

    Atualizem se: o país já mudou de nome

    1. Quando o nome do país for oficialmente alterado no site do evento, começaremos a usar a nova nomenclatura :)



both, mystorymag


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